Market and opinion research agency "Latvian Facts" regularly from 2001 conduct Consumer Confidence index research in Latvia (by ECFIN procurement).
One of the most important parameters which characterizes changes in socio-economic conditions in country, is Consumer Confidence Index. It is formed by respondents prognosis on how would the following factors change during the next 12 months:
- overall economic situation in Latvia;
- level of unemployment in Latvia;
- financial situation of the respondent's family;
- possibility, that respondent could make any savings during the next 12 months
It is quantitative research – omnibus survey. The survey is conducted every month with sample size 1000 residents of Latvia aged 15 to 74 years. The sample is calculated based on the latest statistical data about the residents of the Republic of Latvia (the sample is designed proportionally in following parameters: gender; age; nationality; geographic distribution). Every survey is conducted in all 26 administrative districts of Latvia, altogether in 146 sampling points. Total sample size every year – 12’000 respondents.
Other researches:
Ministru reitingi
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Most recent studies in public sector
Market and opinion research agency "Latvijas Fakti"